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New UK C-19 Lockdown | Save Lives and Protect Our Economy

Rita Begum

Save lives and protect our economy

No one wanted to resort to this new lockdown, but Mr Johnson’s Government's actions made it unavoidable.  Now he must act, implement a (‘world class’) test and trace system and ensure we can emerge from this pandemic with our economy intact.

Sadiq’s message to Londoners:

Sadiq has set out what the government needs to do to save lives, protect the NHS and our economy. He has sent Londoners an important message just days into the second national lockdown.

The capital and the rest of England entered a 2nd lockdown on November 5, with non-essential shops, pubs, bars and restaurants, as well as gyms and leisure centres closing.

There are only a number of reasons permitted for people leaving their homes - such as exercise, work and shopping for food - and it is hoped these stricter measures will curb the growing rates of infection in the country.

Mr Khan urges Londoners to follow the rules, which are currently due to end on Wednesday, December 2.

It's time to listen to local leaders

However, it's not right that Mr Johnson’s government has been riding roughshod over the strong views of local mayors: from London to Liverpool to Manchester.

Local people know what's best for their cities and they will only have a decent, effective response to this pandemic when the government realises that.

London Assembly Remembrance service

It's vitally important every year that we take time to remember the men and women who died serving our country, even if we couldn't do it in person this year.  Although a problem, the GLA did manage to organise a socially distanced Remembrance service.

Inquiry into BAME deaths and coronavirus

Sadiq has, for months, called for the Equality & Human Rights Commission to undertake an inquiry into the disproportionate number of deaths and infections from coronavirus in the BAME community. The EHRC have finally announced that they will act on the call, and have now launched a full inquiry.


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